Thursday 14 March 2013

David dancing with Joe, Frank Dobsons Son, at Davids Birthday Party in Corrum Fields,Needless to say his father David Cocks Q C didnt as he never did,send him a birthday card, a traditional and intentional cruel hurt of David Cocks to his son since his birth and from when he never saw him even when he was on a life support machinein hospital as a baby and Derek Spencer Q C had begged him to go and help the child his son,

David dancing with Joe, Frank Dobsons Son, at Davids Birthday Party in Corrum Fields,Needless to say his father David Cocks Q C didnt as he never did,send him a birthday card, a traditional and intentional cruel hurt of David Cocks to his son since his birth and from when he never saw him even when he was on a life support machinein hospital as a baby and Derek Spencer Q C had begged him to go and help the child his son,the mother had no money she was just out of pupillage,David Cocks her pupil master had made her pregnant and when she refused to have an abortion said "I will wreck your life if I ever see you again."The mother had almost no money could barely afford to eat in one cold room with a broken window,while he lived in a multimillion pound house in St Johns Wood,had a horse and a week end estate,later a 200 acrea esate with an acrea lake to fish in when he wasnt hunting.He never saw the child and while including his best friends children much older in his life and home never included his son read him a story watched his plays or prize giving and made the boy frightenened because he would twist every situation and word it seemed against him,never kissed or hugged him never let him go to his farm never sent him a christmas card just tried to stop him going to Hill House school where the mother sent the boy to give him a chance,took the mother to court to try and force him into a local state school with a poor rating this befre he even met him,designed as a cruel impediment as Derek Spencer a move taken aut of "fury" and Derek heard David Cocks call the mothr "fish face "to Peter Carter as he plotted it.
If the father was anything of a man he would use the power he puts to prosecute others and he uses to defy windfarming to defy those pushing him to exclude his son..He says he is "too busy"but sees his best friends children and has all their lives and they are welcome 24/7 in his home and by his hearth with their children.They are older than his own son and have a range offamily and were allowed to use his parents are treble over granparents and him as double over father while his own son had neither his mother being an orphan